Loan Services
Do you need to skip your payment? For a $40.00 fee we can skip a payment for you. Some restrictions apply, please see form for more detail. Click here for the form.

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We offer a variety of ways to pay your loan and get access to you accounts.
Here are 11 easy ways to make your loan payment on time, every time.
- Recurring Payments. Don’t worry about trying to make your payment, we can take the funds for you each month at no cost to you. Click here to print form. Fill it out and sent it in via email at or drop it by the branch.
- Payments can be automatically pulled from your Estacado Checking or Savings on a set day of each month. A new checking can be easily added if needed by visiting an Estacado Branch.
- Members may also set up monthly payments from outside accounts.
- Online Web Loan Payments. Pay your loan payment right now. Debit & ACH Payments $4.95, Credit 3% of Payment. Payments before 6pm MT post next business day.
- Use Estacado Online on our website, Click on Estacado Online Login, log in, click Transfer at the top, and select Transfers to pick the account from and Loan to pay and then click on Transfer.
- Estacado Mobile Banking. You can use our Mobile App to make loan payments, You can download the app at GooglePlay or AppStore . Search “Estacado FCU” in your favorite app store. After logging in, select the Red Plus, Click on Transfer and select your share to make the payment.
- Remote Deposit Capture. Deposit your check via Vertifi’s Remote Deposit Capture in Estacado’s Mobile Banking and transfer to your loan when funds are available. Restrictions on amounts may apply. Must have checking account with Estacado FCU.
- ATM Deposit. If you have an Estacado Debit EMV card, you can deposit the funds into our deposit capable ATM’s and then make a loan payment via transfer when funds are available.
- Payroll Deduction. If your employer offers direct deposit, you can set up your loan payment to be made automatically from your paycheck. After your paycheck is directly deposited into your EFCU account, your loan payment will be paid.
- Bill Pay. If you do not bank with us, you can use the bill pay from your financial institution to make your payment. Allow up to five business days for payment to be received.
- Night Deposit. Both branches have night deposit boxes. You can drop your payment in anytime and it will be posted the next morning.
- Mail. You can always mail a payment to us. Estacado FCU P.O. Box 280 Hobbs, NM 88241.
- In Person. We’re always happy to see you.